Film program on Friday, November 24, 2023

Film program #6

10:00 a.m. — 11:30 a.m.

Blind Cinema (盲人影院)    

written by 济明 冯, directed by Xirui 王 (2002)                               

INT / CN • 2023 • 5 Min.

A daughter and her blind father try to watch movies together. An experiment. 

Bis Montag (Till Monday)                                

written & directed by Dominik J. Gasser & Emma Lou Paleit (1996, 1999)

DE • 2023 • 15 Min.

Der Schüler Fred testet am Wochenende in der leeren Schule aus, was er im Allatg nicht zeigen kann. Aber da ist noch jemand, dem es genauso geht ... / At the weekend in the empty school, the student Fred tests out what he cannot show in everyday life. But there is someone else who feels the same way… 

Not Close enough to you           

written by Franziska Krieg, Lea Haufler, directed by Lea Haufler (1998)      

DE • 2023 • 4 Min.       

Das Musikvideo erzählt die Geschichte der beiden engen Freundinnen Paula und Hannah, in der Paula erkennt, dass sie für Hannah mehr als nur Freundschaft empfindet. Paulas Prozess, mit diesen Gefühlen umzugehen,  ist mit vielen herausfordernden Emotionen verbunden. / The music video tells the story of the two close friends Paula and Hannah, in which Paula realizes that she feels more than just friendship for Hannah. Paula's process of realizing these feelings comes with lots of challenging emotions.

Xiaohui and his cows          

written & directed by Xinying Lao (1997)             

INT / CN • 2023 • 15 Min.     

The village where Xiaohui lives with two cows has nothing to offer. The nine-year-old sorely misses his parents who work in the city. When grandpa has to sell a calf, the grandson tries everything to prevent the separation of mother and child.


directed by Ha Wing Yin & Yip Pui Ting                   

INT / HK • 2023 • 3,5 Min.    

An abstract collage animation film inspired by Noriko Okaku, which draws viewers into a surrealistic world that explores the disparity between rich and poor.


written by Elena Herbst, Daniel Huss, directed by Daniel Huss (1996)                              

DE • 2023 • 12,5 Min.

Zoe kümmerte sich seit Jahren um ihren Vater und kann nicht aufhören, Verantwortung für alle zu übernehmen. Dabei riskiert sie, ihren Sohn zu verlieren. / Caring for her father for years, Zoe can't stop taking responsibility for everyone and risks losing her son.      

The Harbourmaster (Havnesjefen)

directed by Mia Ludvigsen Henriksen (1998) & Konrad Hjelmi (1998)              

INT / NO • 2022 • 7,5 Min.    

"The Harbourmaster" tells the story of its titular swan, and of how he went from a beloved small town icon to a wanted criminal.

Film program #7

3:00 p.m. — 4:30 p.m.

Von Juni bis Juli (From June to July)

written & directed by Sophie Lahusen & Zhamilya Sakhari (1996)                          

DE • 2022 • 29 Min. 

„Von Juni bis Juli“ ist das poetische Porträt der ungleichen Schwestern Hannah und Sara, die der Dokumentarfilm einen Sommer lang begleitet.  Hannah ist 19 und schwerbehindert, sie wird nie alleine die Dinge tun können, die für ihre kleine Schwester Sara selbstverständlich sind. / '“From June to July” is the poetic portrait of the unlikely sisters Hannah and Sara, who the documentary follows over the course of a summer. Hannah is 19 and severely disabled; she will never be able to do the things on her own that her little sister Sara takes for granted.

God forbid         

written by Kelvin Kibui Mwangi & Steven Ng'ang'a Gitau, directed by Yvan King Mukunzi (1998)                               

INT / KE • 2023 • 17 Min.              

Rural Kenya around 1978: When a class discussion on Christianity's role in building the future of a nation arises, the rebellious Jebediah challenges his teacher's entrenched position.

age recommendation / trigger warning: 12+ / violence


written & directed by Nazrin Aghamaliyeva (1999)

INT / AZ • 2023 • 9,5 Min.

In a world ruled by crows and discrimination, a young girl decides to fight for justice.   

Alles gehört zu dir                           

written by Mani Pham Bui, Kimsa Nguyen, Bao Nguyen, Hien Nguyen, Tommy Vu Nguyen, directed by Hien Nguyen & Mani Pham Bui (2001)

DE • 2023 • 13 Min. 

Für viele Deutsch-Vietnames:innen wie Yen Nguyen ist das Gefühl, anders zu sein oder sich nicht zugehörig zu fühlen, gut bekannt. Instinktiv will sie sich in der deutschen Kleinstadt der Masse anpassen, mehr weiß sein, mehr deutsche Freund*innen haben. Aus ihrem neuen Leben in Oslo, 900 km entfernt von der Familie, begibt sie sich auf die Reise zurück zu ihren Wurzeln. / For many German-Vietnamese people like Yen Nguyen, the feeling of being different or not feeling like they belong is well known. Instinctively, she wants to fit in with the crowd in the small German town, be more white, and have more German friends. From her new life in Oslo, 900 km away from her family, she embarks on a journey back to her roots.      


directed by Neil Law (2001)

INT / GB • 2023 • 2 Min.           

A man nonchalantly kills a spider, but suddenly he finds himself in the same situation as the spider.  

age recommendation / trigger warning: 12+ / spider

Film program #8

7:30 p.m. — 9:00 p.m.


directed by Bryn Wright (2011)                          

INT / US • 2023 • 2 Min.   

Metamorphosis is a metaphor for the challenges everyone experiences during adolescence. 


written & directed by Lucas Nensel (2002)

DE • 2022 • 14,5 Min.

Regieassistentin Annika arbeitet in einer Theaterinstitution mit strengen Machtstrukturen. Als die Schuhe des Hauptdarstellers verschwunden sind, droht die Produktion zu scheitern - und Annika muss eine Entscheidung treffen. / Directors assistant Annika works in a theater institution with a rigorous power structure. As everyone is under confusion of the whereabouts of the key actors shoes, the production crumbles and Annika has to make a decision.

Ein Schwimmzug tiefer                    

written by Anouk Segebart & Liv Heyden, Fillin Mayer, Mila Driedger, directed by Anouk Segebart & Liv Heyden (2007)

DE • 2023 • 17 Min.          

Es ist ein ganz normaler Sommer am See unter Jugendlichen. Oder schwelt da toxische Männlichkeit, die die Möglichkeiten der Nähe, des Eintauchens in tiefere Bindungen mit anderen und sich selbst zerstört? / It's a normal summer at the lake among young people. Or is there toxic masculinity simmering that destroys the possibilities of closeness, of immersing yourself in deeper connections with others and yourself? 

As you are            

written & directed by Daisy Friedman (2003)                            

INT / US • 2023 • 14,5 Min.

When an interabled queer couple spends the night together for the first time, they must confront, what it means truly to love another person.

Nexus (Nexo)        

directed by Alejandro Espinar (1997)                                    

INT / ES • 2022 • 10,5 Min. 

Sandra is bored at a party. But suddenly she feels a weird connection - and realizes, that her life is going to change completely for something new.

trigger warning: stroboscope effects


Mother (Mama)       

written & directed by Mariia Felenko (1997)                                    

INT / UA • 2023 • 8 Min.           

With the beginning of the war, Katya decided to leave her hometown and take her mother. But mother is getting her nails done.

age recommendation / trigger warning: 12+ / war

Film program #9

9:30 p.m. — 11:00 p.m.

Mortal Exam (Examen Mortal)        

written by Izel Dominguez, directed by Erik Sellarés (2009) & Biel Sullá (2009)                   

INT / ES • 2023 • 1 Min.                

Young people don't respect anything.

age recommendation / trigger warning: 12+ /  violence


written & directed by Antonia Grunicke (1997)                         

DE • 2022 • 20 Min.              

Claire ist objektophil. Das heißt, sie fühlt sich eher Gegenständen hingezogen, als Menschen. Zuhause hütet sie eine Sammlung ausgewählter Lieblingsstücke. Doch die große Liebe hat sie noch nicht gefunden. Sie sucht nach dem letzten fehlenden Puzzlestück, das ihre Sammlung komplettiert. / Claire is an objectophile. That means she is more attracted to objects than to people.  At home she guards a collection of selected favourites but she has not found the great love yet. She is looking for the last missing piece of the puzzle to complete her collection.

age recommendation / trigger warning: 12+ /  explicit sexuality

Ach so           

written & directed by Alina Piddubna (2000)                                    

DE • 2022 • 2,5 Min.

Ich habe in Berlin ein sehr kleines Zimmer (das an einen Sarg erinnert) gemietet und habe dort sehr seltsame Träume ... / I rented a very small room in Berlin (which reminds me of a coffin) and have very strange dreams there.

Vomiting in an open wound         

written by Farshad Rezaei & Alireza Sharifi, directed by Alireza Sharifi (1999)    

INT / IR • 2023 • 25 Min.             

A group of five young people travel to the north and rent a shack from a strange motorcyclist. But the biker has a secret …

age recommendation / trigger warning: 16+ / strong violence

Pieces of advice                    

written by Maja Rode, Hugo Ziegler, directed by Maja Rode (2002)          

DE • 2023 • 6,5 Min.

'So wirst du schön, so wirst du reich!' An jeder Ecke wird uns präsentiert, wie wir uns selbst verbessern können. Auf Social Media sehen wir, wie perfekt alle anderen sind. Für jeden Optimierungsbedarf gibt es den passenden Ratgeber, ob als Buch, Podcast oder Coach. / 'This is how you become beautiful, this is how you become rich!' Everywhere we are surrounded with ways to improve ourselves. On social media we see how perfect everyone else is. There is the right guide for every optimization, whether as a book, podcast or coach.

Pep Talk          

written & directed by Lucia Haag (1999)                                  

INT / SE • 2022 • 3,5 Min.

A short glimpse on an unusual woman.    


A Whim to kill      

written & directed by Tiange Xiang (2000)                             

INT / CN • 2022 • 5 Min.              

In a meat factory the new employed daughter can't stand her controlling mother. But suddenly there is a chance to get rid of her …

age recommendation / trigger warning: 14+ / Horror, violence