The registration deadline for all talks + workshops is November 19, 2023

Credit: Hans Scherhaufer
Credit: Rafael Zertz

Don't look down! — part 1

Saturday, November, 25, 2023, 12 p.m. — in Zoom and on site — with registration — Language: ENGLISH

The carbon clock is ticking. Five more years until the 5 degree scenario is reached. How do we deal with that? We talk to you and our guests about life in the climate crisis, about actions and emotions and, above all, how film art can help to “survive”.

Our guests: Milena Glimbovski (entrepreneur, author, activist), Raul Semmler (actor and activist "Last Generation") and Silke Zertz (screenwriter). The panel would like to lay the foundations for a practical writing workshop in the afternoon in which initial ideas on the topic can be developed.



International Film Makers Forum — 3rd Meeting

Saturday, November 25, 2023, 12 p.m. — on site workshop — only for present and nominated filmmakers — with registration — Language: ENGLISH

Think outside the box, develop new ideas and have fun at the same time - the International Film Makers Forum wants to network international and german filmmakers at this festival. At 3 meetings you can develop film ideas together (Day 1), find a visual expression (Day 2) and present your group project at a mini market (Day 3). The producer and university lecturer Anna de Paoli will not only contribute her knowledge from 25 years of film production and festival distribution. She is also bringing with her four young producers from the Berlin film school “Filmarche” who are curious to get to know you and work with you.

It is recommended to attend all three meetings in order to fully exploit the potential of the forum.



Don't look down! — part 2

Saturday, November 25, 2023, 5 p.m. — on site — with registration — ENGLISCH and GERMAN

Let's do together what we do best and where passion drives us - developing ideas for films. Let’s use this concentrated creativity to address the biggest challenge of our time — climate change.

Guided by experienced dramaturgs, you will generate in small groups initial drafts that you can later edit or share with others.


How to be yourself in a pitch

Saturday, November 25, 2023, 17 p.m. — on-site workshop — primilary for our international filmmakers — with registration — Language: ENGLISH

You have THE idea of ​​your life and get the chance to pitch it to an important sponsor or even producer. Suddenly there's a knot in your head and your voice becomes very small. Onno Grohmann (lecturer at the University of Music, Theater and Media in Hanover) will train you how to present your idea clearly and to the point and, above all, with enthusiasm and a strong voice. How to maintain your posture, create tension in your body and make the space your friend so that you draw attention to what is important - your great idea. (We recommend comfortable shoes and clothing.)