Film program on Thursday, November 23, 2023

Film program #2

10:00 a.m. — 11:30 a.m.

Lyuba, tomorrow (Lyuba, Mañana)

written & directed by Baetriz de Silva (1997)

INT / ES • 2023 • 24 Min.

Lyuba is a 16-year-old Ukrainian girl. After fleeing the war, she arrives in Warsaw where a van of Spanish volunteers picks her up to take her to a safe place. Lyuba wonders: What will happen tomorrow?

Jesus lebt

written & directed by Dominic Wittrin & Piet Grünberg (1995)

DE • 2022 • 13 Min.

An ihrem Geburtstag kehrt Mara zurück in ihr religiöses Elternhaus, um mit ihrer psychisch erkrankten Mutter zu feiern. Doch die hält sich mittlerweile für Jesus persönlich ... / On her birthday, Mara returns to her religious childhood home to celebrate with her mentally ill mother. However, the estranged woman now believes herself to be Jesus.

What’s up with numbats

written by Paula Üleoja & Elis Rumma, directed by Elis Rumma (1997)

INT / EE • 2023 • 13 Min.

Eve and Leida are colleagues and opposites at a small town library. Leida´s factually wrong answer about Numbats habitat upsets Eve. An absurd adventure to prove her co-worker wrong takes unusual turns until the very end.


written by Kasper Rafn, Cornelius Baum, directed by Cornelius Baum (2004)

DE • 2022 • 25 Min.

Tom lebt in seiner eigenen Welt und wäre gerne ein Superheld, der für Gerechtigkeit kämpft. Als ihm ein kleines amöbenartiges Tierchen ins Ohr kriecht, könnte sein Wunsch in Erfüllung gehen. / Tom lives in his own world and would like to be a superhero who fights for justice. When a small amoeba-like animal crawls into his ear, his wish could come true.

Film program #3

3:00 p.m. — 4:30 p.m.


written by Jannik Weiße, Dang An Tran, Maximilian Welker, directed by Jannik Weiße (1995)

DE • 2023 • 48 Min.

Vincent ist 16 und will alles erfüllen, was einen Jungen zum Mann macht: Zu Hause ausziehen, Anerkennung bei seinem Football-Team finden und mit seiner Freundin schlafen. Doch zwischen seiner ersten Liebe und der Trennung seiner Eltern schlummert Vincents tiefe Sehnsucht, sich irgendwo wieder zuhause zu fühlen. / Vincent is 16 and wants to fulfill everything that makes a boy a man: leaving home, gaining recognition on his football team and sleeping with his girlfriend. But between his first love and his parents' separation lies Vincent's deep longing to feel at home again somewhere.

Mischievous Lucita and Her Guide on How to Go to Hell (Para lo que me queda en el convento)

written & directed by Angel Qel (1997)

INT / ES • 2023 • 14 Min.

Lucita, a 65-year-old woman, one night saw the "Santa Compaña" (Holy Company) - and thinks she has to die in exactly one year, as the legend says. Now, a year later, Lucita is preparing to die …



written by Beatrix Rinke, Ella Knorz, directed by Ella Knorz (2000)

DE • 2023 • 11 Min.

Alsie ist unglücklich und allein, aber heute wird sie endlich ihren „Papa“ treffen. Allerdings verläuft der Abend mit ihrem Vater nicht so reibungslos, wie sie es sich vorgestellt hat. Um sich wirklich getröstet zu fühlen, muss Alsie sich öffnen und verletzlich machen ... / Alsie is unhappy and alone, but today she will finally meet her "daddy". However, the evening with her dad does not go as smooth as she envisioned it. To really feel comforted Alsiee will have to open up and make herself vulnerable…

Photographers in Focus - Abdo Magdy

directed by Mohamed Jad (1998)

INT / TR • 2023 • 4 Min.

Always in conflict with his calm and his energetic side, the Egyptian photographer Abdo Magdy shows, how this conflict affects his art.


Film program #4

7:30 p.m. — 9:00 p.m.

My little rabbit

written by Ira Sliusar, Sabrina Holzapfel, directed by Ira Sliusar (1995)

DE • 2022 • 14 Min.

Die junge autistische Hannah besucht ihren Vater und seine schwangere Verlobte Laura. Sie treffen sich zum ersten Mal. Hannah hat viele besondere Bedürfnisse, Rituale, Spiele und versucht, Laura dazu zu bringen, sich an ihre Regeln zu halten. / Young autistic Hannah visits her father and his pregnant fiancée Laura. They meet for the first time. Hannah has many special needs, rituals, games and tries to make Laura play by her rules.


written & directed by Oleksandra Krasavtseva (1995)

DE • 2023 • 3 Min.

Olena und Katya waren sind zwei Nachbarinnen, die an der Grenze zweier Länder leben. Dann beginnt der Krieg und ihre Welt steht Kopf. / Olena and Katya are two neighbours who lives on the border of two countries. When war begins and their world turns upside down. 

Tabu La Rasa

written & directed by Emma Bading (1998)

DE • 2022 • 5 Min.

“Was, wenn ich mich einfach getraut hätte?” Theas perfekt durchkomponiertes Leben gerät durch dieses alles hinterfragende Gedankenspiel plötzlich vollkommen aus dem Takt. / “What if I had just dared?” Thea's perfectly composed life suddenly gets completely out of sync due to this all-questioning mind game.

May 2000

written & directed by Kirill Sultanov (1997)

INT / RU • 2023 • 18 Min.

In May 2000 17-year-old Roma sells DVDs near the railway station, plays guitar by the campfire and dreams of Rita, the girl he recently met. But Roma’s lighthearted life gets troubled when his father returns from the Chechen Campaign.

age recommendation / Trigger warning: 12+ / violence, alcoholism, war

Pitcher of you

written & directed by Coireall Kent (2000)

INT / IE • 2023 • 10 Min.

Urban-hermit Mag, whose soon-to-close family pub is attacked by a vengeful familial Ghost, must reckon with both imminent supernatural possession and an informal pact, she made with her late father.

Quandary (İKİLEM)         

written & directed by Ebubekir Sefa Akbulut (2000)                              

INT / TR • 2022 • 10 Min.      

In a world where vitality is gradually decreasing due to environmental pollution, the fisherman who cannot find food establishes a bond with the fish he caught in the lake as a result of long efforts.

Tear Off

written by Clément Del Negro, directed by Clément Del Negro & Charlotte Fargier & Héloïse Neveu & Camille Souchard & Nalini Bhasin & Mikko Petremand & Matthias Bourgeuil (1993-1998)

INT / FR • 2022 • 6 Min.

A young bee must overcome her condition if she is to survive the DESTRUCTIVE HORNET that has invaded her hive.

Film program #5

9:30 p.m. — 11:00 p.m.

Water Lullaby

written & directed by Piotr Kazmierczak (2006)

INT / PL • 2022 • 4 Min.

A musical poem written in sand.


written by Anton Artibilov, directed by Paula Milena Weise & Finn Ole Weigt (1999)

DE • 2023 • 16 Min.

War das schon alles oder kommt noch was? Zwei Freundinnen wagen den Versuch, Urlaub an der Ostsee zu machen. Doch schon bald stellt die Perspektivlosigkeit ihrer Freundschaft auf die Probe. / What is next - or is it already over? Two friends make an attempt to go on vacation to the Baltic Sea. Soon their lack of perspective becomes a problem in their friendship.

Comme je suis, comme tu es (How I am, how you are)

written & directed by Alexandra Kurt (1997)

DE • 2022 • 5 Min.

Ein dunkles Zimmer, eine leidenschaftliche Begegnung - und dann ist alles anders. / A dark room, a passionate encounter - and then everything is different.

age recommendation: 12+

The Bowl

written & directed by Si Yi Lee (2002)

INT / US • 2023 • 2 Min.

An elderly woman drown in her memories.

Fast Nah (Somethings missing)

written by Lea Marie Lembke,Thi Dang An Tran, Tobit Kochanek, directed by Lea Marie Lembke (1997)

DE • 2022 • 15 Min.

Ein Sommer während der Pandemie, aus der Stadt herauskommen und auf langen, leeren Wegen wandern, eine friedliche Vorstellung. Doch Erwartungen an eine perfekten Begegnung stellen das Hier und Jetzt in Frage. / A summer during the pandemic, hiking in the mountains on long, empty paths together with a stranger - an exciting idea. But expectations of a perfect encounter call the meaning of the journey into question.

La Prima Volta - istruzioni per l'uso

written & directed by Lorenzo Trane (1995)

INT / IT • 2023 • 5 Min.

Jacopo is in the process of losing his virginity and to avoid making a fool of himself, he has learned orgasm delaying techniques.

age recommendation: 12+

Daejong 2.0

written & directed by Yoonbeom Kim (1996)

INT / KR • 2023 • 16 Min.

Returning from a long business trip, Jun-ho finds out that his mother is planning on inheriting a fortune to her elderly-care android 'DAJEONG'.

age recommendation / Trigger warning: 12+ / violence